Tuesday 3 February 2015

Welfare Reform sessions Scottish Government...

Hi guys, it's that time again...
I think it's important to stand together and speak out when we can and with that in mind, I've agreed to keep involved with the Scottish Governments tracking of Welfare Reform.
I've now been involved with this for around two years and the next session is almost upon us.

A wee memory refresher...
The aim of the study is to explore the impact of welfare changes over time on a range of households in Scotland. The project is being carried out by the Employment Research Institute, Edinburgh Napier University and the University of Stirling on behalf of the Scottish Government. 
I think it's important for people to speak out, share their experiences both good and bad and as both Carer and person with disabilities, Coo and I, have had to struggle through and find a way to navigate the recent sorry system of changes!
Firstly, the initial issues and stresses of the move over from Incapacity Benefit to ESA (Employment Support Allowance). Next, the seizures, stress and the hassles of coping with the ATOS people then last and by no means least, our struggle with 'Bedroom Tax' and securing a HDP (Housing Discretionary Payment). Both our MSP Margaret Burgess and MP Katy Clark helped us through what was a difficult time. Katy raised our case in the commons and we did get a reply from David Cameron PM.

I am dismayed the UK Government and media still continue to use their shameful rhetoric in relation to Welfare Reform. The 'Scroungers and Strivers' labels have stuck and only succeed in fuelling anti-disability feelings, further alienating disabled people and a continuing divide in our already fractured communities.
ATOS has gone but the stress and worry remain. We dread the continual stream of 'brown envelopes' from DWP that wing their way through our mail-box but I still honestly feel, most of the stress and issues created by this Welfare Reform process could have been avoided, if the policy had been planned and executed fairly in the first place!

It seems so incredibly unfair that most of the 'cuts' continue to fall disproportionately on families with disabilities and their Carers and it's important the true hardship people find themselves in, through no fault of their own is shown!
It's so very important to speak out if you get the chance!

I'll let you know how it all goes, stay strong as will I!
Maz x

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