Monday 29 December 2014

Happy days, Hospitals and Carer Thoughts...

Hi guys, did everyone have a happy Christmas? Ho ho ho!

We had a lovely day!
We made it for dinner at Coo's sisters and a great time was had by all!
We're still struggling along with the usual health hassles but everything went well on the day and for that we're mightily thankful!

The cheerful, festive feelings didn't last long though and we were at the hospital for yet another Christmas time - my MRI arrived on the horizon. I suppose it was better done sooner rather than later but I'm just fed up of the whole situation already!
I've discovered I'm not a particularly good patient.
I really hate being on the cared for side of the equation and can sympathise with's down right rotten! Now, I'm not sure if it's the continuous appointments, meds hassles and bloods with Coo over the years or not but having lived it so long with someone else, I just don't seem able to muster up the energy to go through it all myself - I feel kinda battle hardened even though I've never really been ill myself at all! Does that make sense?
Who knows, maybe it's just par for the course for most Carers!
Anyhow, The symptoms are no worse, they're no better either...but they're no worse! We're both coping ok and I've survived the first round of tests we wait!

2014 has been a great year!
Health-wise it's been challenging but we've been so blessed in other ways too! Our grand-daughter Jessie's surgeries went well, her walking is improving all the time! A new wee grand-baby came along too! Wee Islay arrived in October, she has similar hip problems as Jessie but they'll fix and she's bonny, hale, healthy and happy!
All the buzz with the commonwealth games and my wee stint with the Baton gave us a major feel good factor too so all-in-all it has been a good year this time around!

We're ok and I hope you're doing ok where you are too!
Maz x

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