Sunday 7 December 2014

Christmas trees, Carers and happy time-outs...

Hi guys, Christmas is definitely upon us!

I guess, I can deny it no longer! The lights and Christmas trees are going up all around me too so yup...I guess it's here! lol

The last month has been a real struggle again. Coo is still so very poorly and we've been mostly at home, living quietly. The infection he picked up around the time of his flu-jab, just didn't go away. No matter what we tried from cough and cold remedies, right up to and including anti-biotics - nothing made any difference what-so-ever! The infection continued, the seizures spiralled and we were back on that roller-coaster ride again!
Land sakes...what a month!

So what have I been up to then?
Well, apart from coping with Coo that is! I've been busy, with my wee Carer Group. Even when things are difficult, it's important to spend time with other Carers, they know just what it's like and can really support one another are some of our wee group!
We were at a  local Christmas Fayre on Saturday fundraising for our group. This wee day is important for us as it means we can have wee days out and lunch throughout the year.
Now, that might not seem much but for lot's of Carers it's a real life-line, a window to the outside world and just a wee time-out away from caring!

One such day is tomorrow - the group are going to Cardwell Bay!

Its nice, especially this time of year, it'll have snow flakes, trees, twinkly lights and tinsel all around... and...I'm  going!
I'm one of the lucky ones and have an SDS (Self Directed Support) care package in place so our PA Looby, will come stay with Coo, I'll know he's safe and I will still get to go enjoy it all with the others, forget about things for a wee, happy, while!
I know it's not so for lot's of other Carers, I struggled on alone for decades before we made the switch and got some proper help in place. I  only wish more Carers had such good support too.

Stay strong friends,
Maz x

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