Saturday 1 November 2014

SIB, Toolkit & Carers Scotland Summit...

Hi guys, it's been a busy few days, with meetings galore!

Thursday's North Ayrshire Shadow Integration Board meeting, went really well. There were both interesting and thought provoking presentations on the day and opportunities for questions too.
Unfortunately the meeting over-ran and I had to leave early - typical Caring responsibilities, respite and transport issues this time, sometimes things just get in the way don't they!

Carers & Service User Reference Group...
I'm content the SIB director has taken forward my concerns surrounding our Carer and Service User reference group - sadly it's been drifting for a few months- but I'm confident, this group will now continue in some shape or form and it doesn't really matter which, the important thing is that Carers and Service Users voices continue to be heard and at a level where they can influence policy!
It's only when we work together, things improve!
I'll follow closely and just see where this goes!

The other big event this week was...
' The Carers Scotland Summit'
I travelled with members of Three Towns Carers, from the coast up to Stirling for our Annual Carers Summit. It's where Carers from all over Scotland meet, share information and discuss the issues that are important. Just what is (and isn't working for that matter), for Scotland's Carers. It's where we share good practice, input on Legislation and influence new policy too - so it's a big deal!
I'm glad we made the trip, it was an interesting day and...
Carers Scotland launched...

I'm taking it a little quieter for this week as both Coo and I got our flu-jabs today and going on previous experience, we'll need a few days at home so I'll be cooking, crafting and harping for a bit instead of gallivanting out to meetings!

We're ok and I hope you're doing ok where you are too!
Maz x

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