Saturday 2 August 2014

Busy, baton, travel and fun times...

Hi guys, where has the time gone! I just turned around and July was all gone!

Coo's seizures have been so problematic over the last month. We've been adjusting the meds, and just hanging on in there so it's been a bit difficult at times this month but....we've had some great moments too!
Where to start... ok!
The Baton...
The Queens Baton Relay finally made it to Ayrshire and a good time was had by all! How exciting the whole day was! All the expectation and excitement was worth it - I had a wonderful time! The town was so busy and everyone was cheering me on, I guess there was a real feel-good factor all around and it was just so brilliant to be part of it all!
A lovely celebration for all our baton bearers and their guests. We had four Carers from our group who were carrying the Baton so we decided to take another four of our Three Towns Carers as our guests. This meant eight Carers got a wee night out and dinner with Provost Joan and I'm glad we did it this way as Carers seldom get the chance for a fancy night out with free dinner thrown in too! Everyone enjoyed it so...Result! lol

Our nephew Craig, lives in Germany and we made it all the way to his wedding - woo hoo!
Bearing in mind Coo's current erratic seizure activity and the stresses with changes in routine, it was no easy feat, it took a lot of planning and a great deal of organising but we made it! Previously we would have had to regretfully declined his invitation and stay home but the flexibility of our SDS (Self Directed Support) Care package, gave me belief that maybe, just maybe, with careful planning and support, we could do this - and we did! Oh I'm so glad we did, it was so wonderful!

So, just how did we manage it all?
Ok, Lobby was always coming with us - we would never have coped on such a trip without support so with her along it all seemed manageable!
A hotel was out of the question - Coo's seizure activity is so noisy and aggressive at the moment, it would just not have worked being in a small hotel room with other guests disturbed either side so we opted for an apartment with a lovely German family on the doorstep to lend a hand with language, directions and local information etc. - sorted!
The wedding was over two hours from the nearest airport and if we wanted to do some sight-seeing too, we'd need a driver - we asked our son in law Stevie to come along and drive for us - sorted!
We struck gold with our choices the apartment was very large and secure and just what we needed for a base for both the wedding and to allow a little touring too! woo hoo

We found the most cost effective and easiest route for flights and just hoped for the best, everything would work out - best laid plans and all...we got delayed...for hours and hours but at least with all the support around we managed to take turns keeping Coo occupied and calm...mostly! There were some hairy moments but we coped! lol
The wedding was the main reason we went to Germany and it was a wonderful day and here we all are - check out the guys in their kilts! I'm so glad we got to go!
We even managed a boat-trip on the Rhine and a ride in a cable-car high up to a Castle too!
What a wonderful time we had!
I'm so grateful for the SDS package that made such a wonderful trip possible - we would not have managed alone, we just could not and would not have gone at all and that's such a shame! The flexibility and positivity that SDS has brought us is beyond price, it's given us a can-do attitude and opened up so many wonderful possibilities. Previously, so many doors were closed for Coo and I and SDS has changed that, in fact it's changed us too!

When SDS comes your way, please don't be afraid of the change - reach out with both hands and grab it!
Maz x

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