Thursday 21 August 2014

Appointments and time outs...

Hi guys, it's been another busy week, what with appointments, paperwork and just getting organised!

Ok appointment 1...

Coo's bloods are still problematic and he has an increase in seizures too so he's having more bloods done again this week. He just can't seem to catch a break at the moment. We're going to wait for the blood results and then... we'll regroup and decide just what to do. - we're coping and that's the main thing!

Appointment 2...Good news!

Remember my post about my Shonky eyeball from last year? - here's a reminder!  Well, I've been visiting hospital for the last year and now the results are in! No treatment required - woo hoo!  Turns out I have a tilted optic disc, it's been checked and it's nothing to worry about so...result!

I've one more appointment to go...and it's a good one! lol
I'm off tomorrow for a wee time-out and with other Carers too!
We're going on a visit to  'The Ayr Flower Show'
I've never been there before and it looks great and best of all? I'll be able to have a laugh and a fun time out with other Carers at a wee change of pace!
Thank you SDS (Self Directed Support) - Regardless of how things are, tomorrow, Looby will come keep Coo company and I'll get to poke around the flower show and most probably indulge in some plant buying! lol

I'm hoping for some sunshine and if not, well, there's always the wellie boots! lol

I'm faring ok here and I hope you're doing ok too!
Maz x

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