Tuesday 24 June 2014

Hard hats, Cycling hats & SDS too...

Hi guys, it's been hard hats' and cycling hats' all the way this week!

First for the hard hats...
I've sure needed to dig out my hard hat and flak jacket as Coo's no better. We're no longer in anti-bio-land there's no point really! Any infection he had is surely gone by now!
The x-ray results should be in soon and our GP's arranged a Spirometry test
I never knew there was such a thing but there is and Coo's booked for it next week. The seizures are still increasing and it's all such a struggle but we're battening down the hatches and coping one day at a time!

Now for the cycling hats...
Yesterday, my wee Carer group, 'The 3 Towns Carers' had their annual sponsored cycle/walk/tea-drinking and getting around the island day and it was...fun! Ten of us set off to raise some funds and have a bit of a laugh too, some were walking and some (like us!) were cycling, taking our time and just getting around the island!

The Isle of Cumbrae isn't huge. It's eleven miles around and fairly flat too so it's just a nice wee size for a bike ride - every so often!
We had a great day.
We started with a wee cuppa and some toast (or scones!) at the Moorings in Largs and after a wee catch up away we went! A short ferry ride and we were off and running - three of us cycled, the others walked and the weather behaved beautifully! woo hoo!
I must add, of the three who cycled, one was my wee mammy aged seventy-two and fit as a flea! lol She hadn't been on a bike for a while but was keen to go so I thought...what the heck, come on! She was quicker than the rest of us and thoroughly enjoyed herself! I think she was chuffed she made it around and rightly so - whit a wee wummin! lol

Yet again, I'm reminded how fortunate I am that we have good support in place - SDS (Self Directed Support), has made such a difference. Previously, if Coo was really poorly, I would have had to cancel my plans and just could not have gone but...not anymore! Looby came to keep Coo company, make sure he kept safe and well and I had a little time out and some fun knowing everything was ok!

I only hope more Carers manage to find something that works for them too!
Maz x

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