Saturday 24 May 2014

Shared Colds, Sleep and SDS...

Hi guys, it's a Caring sharing kinda thing - Coo shared his cold with me! Cheers!

What a time, it's been!
Thankfully, Coo began to improve before I came down with it and that made things a whole lot easier!
so... after gallons of hot drinks and sooky sweeties and a week virtually hiding under a wee cosy blanket - I'm back good as new..yeah!
Thank goodness for our SDS (Self Directed Support)- Gone are the days of struggling on alone and so dreadfully tired! At least, this time, I was able to timetable in some proper sleep and I really think that is what helped kick that awful cold sooner rather than later!

This week, I felt better and I even made it up to Glasgow for my meeting with Carers Scotland. It's always a productive meeting there as the Advisory Group has Carers from all over Scotland. It's good to network, find out just what is working (or not for that matter!) all over Scotland!
If something is working well for Carers anywhere in Scotland? Well, we want to know and we want share it too don't we!

I sure hope that's me finished with coughs and sneezes, well, for a wee while at least and I'm sure glad the sun's made an appearance again so...we're ok and everything's rosy! lol

Hope things are a wee bit rosy where you are too!
Maz x

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