Sunday 2 March 2014

Provost for tea? No chance - A & E...

Hi guys, well this time we made it all the way to February before the first A & E visit of 2014!

Instead of a nice pot of tea and some cake with Provost Joan last Thursday at the civic awards meet and greet party, I ended up with drinks-machine hot chocolate at the local General Hospital A & E Dept and it looked nothing like this one I can assure you! lol

After a not too long wait,
Some prodding about and an's official!
Coo has broken a bone in his foot! What a pain and in more ways than one!
So...just what happened?
Well, firstly Coo knocked it in a seizure, ouch!
It really seemed ok, a bit sore mind you but no worse than the usual lumps and bumps of life living with Epilepsy so...we carried on as usual!
We had arranged to spend some time with our wee grand-daughter Jessica, just out for an hour in town.

Anyways, on a whim, we decided to pop in for a cuppa and to let wee Jessie have some fun in the new soft play area for pre-5's.
so far so good...but not for long!

Coo decided to 'help' Jessie but unfortunately he didn't help himself any...he fell over in the soft play and the was that - he finished the job! Bone broken, crutches and a whole lot of hassles!

We're back up at the hospital on Tuesday and hopefully it won't be too long until he's fully mobile again but I think he'll be steering well clear of those soft play places in future! lol

Onwards and upwards as they say!
Maz x

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