Friday 14 February 2014

COSLA first then GoMA fun...

Hi guys, it's been a busy few days!

I went to COSLA with the others to do a presentation and a question and answer session on CareNA . Thankfully it all went great so fingers crossed we win that Gold Award...and we should as the CareNA website is a brilliant resource for Carers and Service-users, I'm so pleased with how it all turned out!

Once all the work stuff was over, it was time for a wee respite break with Coo so....GoMA  (Gallery of Modern Art) Glasgow, here we come!

We decided not to rush, take our time getting up to the city. We'd chosen to go on Thursday, the GoMA is quieter then and it's late opening night too - no pressure and no need to rush!
We checked into a wee place in the city centre around lunchtime, grabbed a quick bit to eat and hit the Gallery - Wow! What a place!

It's really a kinda crazy-cool place and it's totally brilliant too - we loved it!

From the wonderful twinkly lights all around this building to the unusual and thought provoking exhibits it holds, this sure is one classy place to visit - we had  an awesome time!

Highlight for me...
There's a brilliant selection of  Niki de Saint-Phalle artworks.

Her Arts kinda funky and colourful and right up my street. I don't think Coo was as impressed but I loved them all!
Here I am enjoying them - maybe a little too much! lol

It was a lovely wee time-out for us both! I'm so very grateful for the SDS (Self Directed Support), funding that makes wee breaks like this one happen!
A few days away, a wee bit of culture and a wee time out, sure make everything that little bit easier.

We're back home and happy!
Don't stress about SDS when it comes your way, as it surely will! Think about the possibilities - it's brought lot's of new opportunities and support our way that's for sure!
Happy days!
Maz x

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