Tuesday 31 December 2013

Slainte and sore fingers...

Happy new year, and in this neck of the woods we say...

Sláinte (SLAHN-chə) literally translating as "health"

I hope we all have a happy , healthy and peaceful year this time around!
It seems 2013, has not yet finished with us!
It's kinda been a year full of wee mishaps and true to form it's going out as it came in - I jammed my finger in the car door earlier and boy does it hurt - Ouch!

I hope this is the last wee mishap 2013 throws our way!  I just knew when I last posted about avoiding A & E this Christmas it just might be asking for trouble! A well, it's done now!

There's only a few hours left of the old year and we'll be welcoming in the new so good health, good fortune and...aw the best, when it comes - Slainte mhath!

Maz x

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