Saturday 30 November 2013

My Carers Rights Day, Strategy, Nails & Networking...

Hi guys, my Carers Rights Day went really well and I had some fun too!

Luckily I had respite arranged for the day so I didn't need to do the usual crash and grab, top speed and rushed affair so could relax and enjoy things, in fact the whole day had a leisurely feel to it for a change!

I got over to the Carers Centre (it's a few towns away!) for ten o'clock and started the day with a nail job and not the usual kind for me (hammer, usually followed with sore fingers!) but the shiny, pretty fingernail type! While the nail lady shaped and painted them pretty, I had time for a wee think!
It's a long while since I made the time and had such a simple thing done for me. For some reason I got quite a kick out of it, I didn't think I would and I nearly didn't book a slot at all but I'm so glad I changed my mind - I felt really great afterwards!

It's so easy to just keep putting yourself last in the 'need to do list' and I just realised, I do it all the time! For Carers, there's always a big pull on your time and emotions, it's easy to forget to make time for you!
I mean, I could have used some respite hours and booked a pampering slot a fair few times over the last year but appointments, meetings, general busy-ness and Carer-life tasks, kinda got in the way!
I've decided I need to try a bit harder!

It was Carers Rights Day so I'd more in mind than nice nails and lunch! There was a legal advisor on hand from the local lawyers office with some free advice so I had a meeting to at last begin the POA (Power of Attorney) process and never one to miss a chance to network and push Carer issues where I can! I managed to raise some concerns with both the Council's Carer Champion and head of Social Services! They're both nice guys who are interested and want to help Carers and people with disabilities so I'm confident they'll take the issues  forward this space!
Last and definitely not least...
Our Local Authority launched the Carers Strategy!

This is the strategy, written with the input and full involvement of Carers from our local area. Carers were involved, from the initial direction this document would take, right through the process and through the Carers Strategy Group, hopefully to the successful delivery of the services it holds!
It's a good strategy for Carers, it's in language people can easily understand but more importantly it offers good support and information! Will it be successful? Will it deliver? We will see!

So what were the day's highlights?

*I had some pampering and felt better for the experience!

*I raised issues with those in a position to address them and...I'll chase down answers too! lol

*Our Carers Strategy launched! That's the one other Carer friends and I helped shape!

 All in all, I had a good Carers Rights Day this year!
Hope you managed a wee time out too!
Maz x


  1. So glad the little pamper session made you feel better. I had 4 hours break today from Hubby and my grandson - I went for a walk round the market, made a nice lunch and sat and drank coffee in peace!

  2. Hi Jayne, hope you've managed a wee time out over the festive season.
    Maz x
