Wednesday 13 November 2013

Good News, Good health and Good cheer...

Hi guys, it's been good news all the way this week!

Baby Jessica got the big heavy Spica Cast off...

It'll take some time, she's no mobility...yet...but that'll come, with time and patience - The main thing is the Spica cast is...all gone!

Coo was poorly all last week, stress is a major trigger and we were both so worried about baby Jessie it was bound to have an impact!

Thankfully this week, things have settled and been a bit more stable seizure wise so I guess it's a big...woo hoo all around!
Ages ago, long before we knew Jessica's Spica cast was coming off this week, we applied to the ballot for tickets to 'Glasgow's big Christmas Switch on Event' and this time, we were lucky!

With all that's been happening, I wasn't sure, we would be able to make it at all but things have fallen into place and we are  going to go - I'm so excited! lol

We'll use the Travelodge again, Coo's comfortable there and if things get too much, it's just around the corner for a pit-stop!
We're so grateful for our SDS (Self Directed Support) care package, it's what makes much needed timeouts like these possible!

We're going to wrap up warm, just hope it doesn't rain too much and if all else fails...drink lashings and lashings of Hot chocolate! Sounds like a plan to me! lol

I hope you manage to have some Christmas light fun where you are too!
Keep cozy!
Maz x

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