Monday 5 August 2013

Stress and shonky eyeballs...

Hi guys, remember that hospital visit I cancelled last month?
Sometimes, Carers health comes last...
Well, I did promised to do better and I did, kinda! I had to take Coo with me as Looby was still nursing baby Jessie and the chicken pox!
It's a long wait so it was stressfull and a hassle but we managed!
Bearing in mind, I wasn't having any eye problems what-so-ever and I didn't think the appointment was even necessary in the first place, it was the optician who referred me and I fully expected the specialist to say it was all fine - I was in for a bit of a shock!

I had drops that didn't sting and my eyes were probed and then more drops that did sting and a diagnosis of sorts!
Ok maybe the eye-ball jabs weren't as big as this wee nurse's but they kinda felt like it! lol

Turns out, the optician I saw month ago was doing his job correctly after all! It would appear the reason I kept failing the field view vision test is because my optic nerve is tilted and just what this means for me is anyone's guess!
I may even have been born this way and as I've never had proper vision in the effected section I just didn't know!
Well, what happens next?
Hospital visits every few months to check things are not deteriorating and wait and see!
Yet more stress to add to the rest - Joy!

I never rains but it pours and it seems to be in torrents at the moment! So I have a shonky eye-ball! I'm thinking along the's the same one I had yesterday and the same one I had last year and even last century! It's not bothering me at all so how bad can it be?
You know what? I'm just trying not to worry too much...I think I have enough on for now as it is!lol

What is it my granny always said?
What doesn't kill us, just makes us stronger! I'm sure she's right!

Onwards and upwards people!
Here's to keeping strong!
Maz x
***Just incase anyone else doesn't know - my daughter asked 'What exactly is shonky mum?
It's a word of two parts - being both shocking and wonky - pretty apt in the circumstances! lol
Glad that's cleared up then!
Maz x

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