Wednesday 19 June 2013

ATOS ESA and sense prevails...

Hi guys, what's the old song? What a difference a day makes!

ATOS & DWP have backed down...Oh my gosh!
What a turn up for the books!

So just what happened to acheive such a reversal?
Yesterday we were told Coo would need to go for the dreaded ATOS, WCA (work capability assessment) and medical and today it's all changed! Well, after yesterday's news, I took some time to regroup and today it began...

I contacted both our GP and Coo's Neurologist at the hospital, to check they had been asked for and had submitted reports to the ATOS people - yes on both counts so far so good!
Next I phoned ATOS in Glasgow, mainly to formally request audio equipment be available at Coo's medical. If we were going to have to fight this, we'd need access to as much information as possible - I honestly feel, it's in everyones interest to get their assessment recorded and I'm eternally greatful for the help of our MP's who fought for this service!

Anyways, I gave Coo's details, covered the security stuff and requested the audio equipment and that's where things started to change!
It seems DWP and ATOS have now decided, they have enough information and will not now require Coo to attend a medical after all! It's possible our medical information was late arriving and an appointment was triggered automatically, who knows!

I'd like to think with all the evidence we sent and reports from both medical people involved in Coo's primary care that sense prevailed!
I am just so relieved we don't have to worry anymore.

 I'm glad too, for us, this was over sooner rather than later.
The fight still goes on though! There are too many disabled people and their Carers disproportionately adversely affected by this unfair process, we just can't forget about them!
At a recent meeting, somebody struck a chord with me, she was a wee elderly woman and she said 'if you stand with me, I'll stand with you' and she's right!

We must keep strong and stand up for one another!
Maz x


  1. That is fantastic news for you both!! I hope the same happens with us when it is my husbands turn.

  2. Yes Poppy I hope it is so for you too! It's been so very stressful and I'm so glad it's over for now!
    The ATOS people said it would be around 18 months before they would need to contact us again and thank God for that!
    Maz x
