Friday 17 May 2013

Sunshiney days and bike rides...weeee!

Hi guys, it's a sunshiney day here and in more ways than one!

Just shows exactly how up-n-down that Carer roller-coaster ride I was talking about really is!
The weather forcast for today, was for some dry, fine weather so we'd tentatively decided to go out on our cylces today, that is, if  things weren't too bad for Coo overnight!

Sadly, Coo had a really bad seizure around four o'clock this morning so I wasn't holding out much hope on the cycling front. I was feeling a bit down about it too, especially as the sun had indeed decided to shine!
Things are never how you think are they! lol
Lo-and-behold, after his meds, a wee shower and some gathering together time, Coo was feeling ok and decided he still wanted to go -  I think the sunshine encouraged him along!

Ok, we didn't cycle to the park, it was just a bit too far today but we did get out on our cycles and in the sunshine for a wee while too and that was a bonus!
Coo's asleep now and the seizures are back but it was a pleasant wee time-out for us!

I'm so glad we manged to get our bikes, we've had such fun with them! They are one of the best things we have and were funded using our SDS (Self Directed Support) Care package.  What a difference they have made!
It's funny and probably really child-like but...I found myself squealing 'Weeeeeee' in delight as I whizzed down a big hill today!

Sometimes things do turn out better than you hoped for don't they! I hope you're having some sunshiney fun where you are!
Maz x


  1. It's always a great adventure to go outside to ride a bike!

  2. Hi Travis, You are so right! You forget how enjoyable it really is! I'm glad we've got the chance to get back out there again! lol
    Maz x
