Wednesday 8 May 2013

One battle ends another begins - ATOS...

Hi guys, ATOS are at the door!

No sooner have we sorted out our 'Bedroom Tax' struggle, now we have lurched right into another nightmare! The department of work and pensions have set the wheels of review in motion and ATOS are now at our door!

The forms to assess if Coo is fit to work, arrived a week ago, I can put it off no longer and have now started to complete them - what a time consuming, depressing and demoralising job!

Coo struggles so with this side of his disability, the need to assess and examine every tiny detail and worst still, record it for all to see! For obvious reasons, we don't take the lid off the box and closely examine things often, it's just too painful, especially for Coo!

He doesn't cope well with this aspect at all, he's already struggling with the stress and anxiety effects this process brings  and he has a massive increase in seizure activity. Last night his seizures were so violent and coming so fast, every twenty minutes and in an attempt to calm things, I had no alternative but to sedate him. At least then around 4 a.m. thankfully we managed a couple of hours sleep. We both have been so exhausted, it's been such a very difficult day for us.

I've always had to take on the bulk of the work with the forms, it's just easier this way so I'll fill them in as best I can, clarify things with Coo, add in additional supporting information and just hope for the best!
It really shouldn't be this way for people who clearly have severe disabilities - there must be a better system! Honestly, by the time this process is completed, Coo and I will have had to struggle really hard to cope with his care needs and disability at home and we'll have had to navigate through some very troubled times too.
I wish our government knew just what they were doing to us - for that matter even cared - and all in the name of 'Welfare Reform' and at such high human cost for disabled people and their Carers!

I'm posting a rainbow picture as I really need it's calming influence...
I kinda like the idea of holding one in my hand.
I think it's soothing and I hope you find it soothing and calming too!
Maz x


  1. Big hugs to you both but especially you Maz it is so hard I have a similar situation just different illness and it is hardxx
    Keep smiling

  2. Hi poppy, you are right, it is so very hard, (((hugs))) to you too!
    I'm still smiling don't worry!
    Keep strong,
    Maz x
