Monday 27 May 2013

Next on-slaught didn't take long...

Hi guys, it didn't take long for the next onslaught to arrive!

We're struggling, Coo's seizure level is up again and it probably is down to stress this time. We've had some difficult news today, our wee grand baby Jessie has to go into hospital.
Turns out she has a badly dislocated hip, she's had it since birth and it seems the NHS missed it.  With all the checks these days, I don't know how it was missed but there we are! The wee soul is now 15 months and just starting to walk and that's when we saw she had a wee awkward gait.

Jessie will need a Spica Cast surgeries and some rehab too to learn to walk again and we're a bit shell shocked at this latest news.

We're so heartfelt sorry it wasn't picked up sooner as it'd have been easier to fix but we will do what we always do - keep strong, pull together and get through!

Wish us luck,
I hope things are more settled where you are,
Maz x


  1. I hope all goes well with the little one it is always swings and rountabounts in life.

  2. Hi Poppy, yes it sure is! Coo's struggling but I'm hoping once we get used to the idea things will settle a little.
    Maz x

  3. Maz,
    You left a comment on my daughter's blog for DDH. I can not find your email to send you the plans. Please send me you email at
