Sunday 10 March 2013

Event feed back....

Hi guys, the Glasgow trip went well.

There's lots of good work going on out there and the Local Authorities are at least, trying to get it right this time! The Enable Scotland event did highlight some areas where we could be doing with some help though so...I'm going back to the Carers and Service Users groups I'm involved with, to share all the info!

Glasgow had an 'Emergency Planning' strategy in place which sounds promising and they've developed an Emergency Carers Card, something like this one...

It's a bit like a bank card to keep in your purse and it lists in case of emergency contact details - it's simple and effective!

We don't have anything like this in our area...yet so that's maybe something we could push for - I can feel a campaign coming on!

While we're at it...
Here's a copy of a really good emergency care plan currently being used in Salford.

***Emergency Care Planning***

 It's practical solutions like these Carers really need so...well done Salford!

I'll let you know how things go here, wish us luck and...happy campaigning!
Maz x

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