Tuesday 26 February 2013

Carers Scotland today...

Hi guys, I've been busy today!

It was 2013's first meeting of the Carers Scotland Committee so it was a wee trip upto Glasgow! Pity there's never time to actually visit the city though but....business is business! lol
It was great to catch up with the other Carers, share new information and work through the latest issues surrounding Carers.

Well, just what did come up today?

Welfare reform and the so called 'Bedroom Tax' - There's lots of Carers struggling to get to grips with these two! Scotlands next Carers Parliament, SDS, Respite (or lack of it as the case may be!) and the usual business of the day for a busy charity - a bit of everything really!
I think it's important Carers get the chance to be part of the process and are right in there at the beginning, when the strategies are written. I'm glad too, our wee group are able to travel from all over Scotland to share their views and help things along their way!

I guess, we gotta support one another and just keep at it!
Slowly the barriers are being chipped away and Carers are finding proper support and respite. In an ideal world it shouldn't be this way, but while it is...we've all got to stay strong and just keep knocking down those barriers where we can!

Stay strong my friends - we'll get there!
Maz x

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