Sunday 9 December 2012

Another Neuro visit...

Hi guys, we've been at the hospital again...

A visit to Coo's Neurologist was on the cards this week.
He's a nice guy and tries to keep an eye on things with Coo and I and we're both glad to have him!
Although there's not much left for now to help with Coo's seizure activity, it's good to keep in touch with a specialist every so often and we learned this the hard way!  
Coo had major problems a few years ago and it took forever, (well it felt like forever!), around six months actually, to find a neuro to try and help... it was a very scary time for us both!

Anyways, there's nothing new to try drug-wise for Coo but non-the-less, it was a good visit.
Coo's neuro. listens and that's important! It's soul destroying to have a feeling of everything being so out of your control and at times, that's how it is for Coo. It's good he has someone who doesn't push too hard and is willing to progress things at Coo's pace, when he feels ready.

This time we've decided to wait until the spring, when there's less chance of colds and infections and then try to increase one of the AED's (anti-epilepsy drugs). It may help a little but as it's really cold here and already the time of year where Coo struggles most with increased seizure activity and infections, he wants to wait until spring and give things a better chance!
Even a little improvement would be great!

We're doing ok, the bloods came back and yet again the white cells are low so we're avoiding busy, public places and those dreaded coughs and sneezes!
I hope we get a dry day and can maybe get out on our bikes again - that would be nice!

I hope you're doing ok where you are too!
Maz x

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