Friday 26 October 2012

Pat's Petition...

Hi guys, more on Pat's Petition...

Over the last year, my Carer friend Pat has been working hard, speaking out for Carers and disabled people!

It's a worrying time!
Welfare reform is upon us and our government had cut hard and deeply. It seems Carers and people with disabilities have been dis-proportionately targeted in these benefit cuts and thankfully people like Pat have chosen to speak out....

Pat Onions has submitted an e-petition to the government website.
Pat is blind and Pat is also a carer. When we asked her why she submitted this petition she said -
We were determined to attend the Hardest Hit rally in Edinburgh. Determined, in spite of disability, to stand with the others who had made the long and difficult journey. Determined to show we were united as one voice against the vicious cuts we are all enduring. We knew there were many thousands who couldn’t make it. Disability, ill health, providing care, or cost would prevent them coming.   - We made it!
More on Pat's Petition:

If you've not already signed the petition, there's still time!

Maz x

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