Sunday 23 September 2012

Carers and colds...

Hi guys, you've guessed it from the title...Coo's shared his cold!

My oh my we're in a bit of a fix - I've now gone down with Coo's cold. Thank God I don't have his complications though, he was up seizing every twenty minutes last night so we're both a bit shattered today and that was before the winter chills decided to pitch up for a visit with me!

Don't worry things could be worse!
Luckily Coo's kinda over the worst of things just as I'm coming down with the chills and general aches!  I've doubled up on the inhalers and started the pain relief for all those aches and pains that just make having a cold such a right pain - literally! lol

I'm pretty sure I'll kick things fairly quickly...
so meantime I'm just, taking it easy, sipping hot lemonade and keeping cosy under a wee blanket!

Let's hope it all goes away soon and normal business is resumed! lol
Maz x

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