Monday 23 July 2012

St Swithin...

Hi guys, Good old Saint Swithin was way off this time!
It was dry on his feast day so we had a fighting chance and I was hopeful!
It's rained and rained and rained this week, we're practically washed out! lol

Never mind, the welly boots and brolly has been well used this summer! lol

I got drenched nipping down the garden for some strawberries earlier! Although I have to say...
It was worth it!
The wee alpine ones taste lovely and  best of all...there's millions of 'em out there so...woo hoo!

Just how are things growing where you are?
Here everything is really late this year!
My tomatoes are still non-existent! The plants are healthy and strong and the buds are coming out now but by this time last year, I was already munching them with salad! I guess we really haven't had enough sunshine at all.
I think they're on a go slow! lol

Let's hope August brings some sunshine or my wee tangy toms will all still be green and only any good for the chutney pan!

Coo's moods have settled now the Social Services review is over and thank God for that! I was really worried about him as things were getting difficult to manage. I mean, more moods and upsets for Coo, mean yet more seizures and it becomes a bit of a vicious circle!
He's bouncing back again now so yet another crisis has been averted and that's the important thing!

Now things are settling and Coo's more like his old self, we can take our time and plan what we really want to do with our additional budget.
It's a long time since we thought of such things and it's quite exciting really but...what to do!

Maybe some fun activities, some days out, a wee holiday or...
a combination of all three!
Who knows but whatever we decide let's hope the sun shines for us. One things for sure, it'll be an exciting time this year - Coo and I have not really had the chance to get out and about much and this new self-directed-support, managing your own care and activities could make a real difference for us!

I do hope you're having some sunshine where you are  or at the very least some sunshiney thoughts!
Maz x

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