Thursday 31 May 2012

Tea Party...

Hi Guys, as if I don't have enough this week and with all of Coo's current care-plan hassles...
It's Gala Week for our community!

Now, usually I love all the rushing around and busy-ness! but this week? It's been a bit of a stressful time!

 I'm glad I stayed committed to this Gala though.
The local people get so much out of it and today was a...
Community Tea Party!

All my favourite things!
Tea, sandwiches and cakes! woo hoo!

We played a slide show of our town on days gone by and I think the elderly residents enjoyed the wee wander down memory lane! I was really stressed earlier but I think spending time doing something kind for other people, has helped with my stress levels.

In the end, even with the additional work envolved, the tea party was fun - and the cake was pretty good too! lol

I've decided I'm not stressing anymore today.
I think a wee cuppa always helps, it's a warm and soothing... (((hug))) in a mug! lol

I hope you're not stressing and you are ok, where you are too!
Maz x

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