Saturday 26 May 2012

Review take 4...

Hi Guys, things are a bit more positive this week!

We have reached RAS enlightenment!
In other words...

The Resource Allocation System part of the assessment is over!
Basically, they've run the figures and then decided on a suitable budget for us! Woo hoo!

What now? Well, we move to the next step - the Support plan!
This is a pilot scheme so it's all new for us too. It'll be a big learning curve but I think, it's really about working out how to spend the budget and get the best outcomes and that we can do! I mean, who knows best what will work for us! lol

This new personalisation way, means the services Coo and I receive, will be more in keeping with what we really need. The care-package is a given - we need that and it's never been in dispute but the diffence with this new system is, there's options and choice to flexibily use the remainder of the budget to improve our lives! Woo hoo! Just how cool is that!

I'm hoping this new system delivers as expected, it could make such a massive difference to peoples lives!
It really has the potential to be so very empowering and positive!

I'll keep you posted on our journey!
Maz x

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