Saturday 24 March 2012

Sunshiney Day...

Hi guys, guess what?
The sunshine has made a comeback - woo hoo!
It's been very cold and wet here lately and I wondered if the weather would ever pick up!
It has...Today's been lovely!

I always think grey days make for grey moods. It's amazing, isn't it, how a little sunshine can lightened your mood and make everything just that little bit easier to manage!

We're still a little stressed this week, with our hospital stay still looming. There's lot's of seizures around but we're coping and a little sunshine has raised a smile for us both today - long may it continue! lol

If this sunny spell keeps up, we may even venture into the garden and at last make a start on sorting it out! lol

Happy Days!
I hope you're having some sunnier times too!
Maz x

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