Friday 2 December 2011

Quilting is Quite brilliant fun...

Hi guys! I've been trying my hand at quilting recently and it's been great fun!

Some lovely ladies from a local craft group came to visit my wee Carer meeting a few weeks ago and well, you know me, I like to try out any kind of crafts!
I was totally enthralled by all the lovely fabrics and just what the ladies had managed to create with them...I was hooked! LOL

Now, I've never really used my sewing machine much, if truth be told I actually bought it for my daughter some years back and have only, occasionally tinkered with it...until now that is!  Just like McDonalds say...I'm lovin' it! lol
Bearing in mind, I wasn't really confident on my own at all and it's not a quiet craft that I can do while Coo's sleeping either (sewing machines make a bit of a racket don't they!) so my quilting time has been a bit limited. Even though, I've  really only been working on my quilting for a couple of hours on a Friday, in three visits, I've managed to turn this wee pile of scrap material...

Into a wee baby's first Christmas quilt for wee baby B, our eagerly awaited Grand-baby!
So what do you think?

Now, some of the seams are a little bit wonky here and there, and it's definately not a work of art but...
I'm really rather pleased with it!
Wee baby B will know in years to come that Grandma made her very first quilt just for him or her! lol

I'm finding more and more that crafts and new experiences, really give me so much back, they make me smile and I have a real feel-good factor too. I think they're a bit of an antidote to the other stressful parts of my life and that can only be good for me!

I hope your happy too, try some crafts - it sure works for me! lol
Maz x

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