Saturday 24 December 2011

Carers & Christmas shopping...

Hi guys, well...are you all ready for Christmas?

I'm never ready - but I'm usually more organised than this! lol
First Coo's and then my nasty cold, kinda de-railed things a little bit and we've been caught a bit on the hop this year.
Luckily, I got a few things ordered online (in between sneezes!) so it wasn't too bad but really!

I never go shopping on Christmas eve...ever!
Now I remember's a bit of a stress-ball-struggle isn't it! lol

Fast and ferocious are two words that spring to mind!
Shopping is kinda crazy this time of year and people seem to go a little nuts don't they?

Anyways...I guess it was real lucky I only wanted some last minute bits, a cuppa and...back home again! lol

Thank God for our Direct Payment and thank goodness Looby was here too as Coo would not have coped well with all that hustle and bustle and we'd both have been totally stressed out! I went with my mum instead and nothing much fazes her in a hurry! lol

We manged to hit the shops, stop off for a lovely cup of tea and casually make for home while everyone else was still fighting at the chocolate and perfume counters!

Now, if I can just find the quiet hour I need to finish wrapping parcels it'll all be done! - Woo Hoo!

Happy Holidays!
Maz x

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