Thursday 10 November 2011

Anti-bio-land again...

Hi Guys, Coo's still poorly and back on yet another anti-biotic run.

We've been stuck at home this week as things have been a bit of a struggle.

We went as usual on Friday, for Coo's routine blood test and everything seemed fine but by Saturday evening he had a temperature of 39 degrees (102.2F) and was seizing a lot! He didn't really improve much over the weekend but his temperature came down a little so he decided to wait it out and see our own doctor on Monday - Coo hates the midnight dash to hospital and we avoid it at all costs!

Turns out he's picked up a bacterial infection from somewhere and needed yet more antibiotics!
Thankfully though, they are beginning to work now and he's feeling a little better today.

We're both shattered, apart from that, we're fine and glad to be out the other side of this latest health hassle!

While at home, I've kept myself busy with my harp and my craft box. Extra time at home is not the issue it once was.
I've found lots of ways to keep myself amused and have a little fun!

I hope things are a bit more settled this week and that you're having a more settled time where you are too!

Maz x

1 comment:

  1. HI Maz, hope things are improving and Coo's temp is dropping.

    Been thinking of you, so take care and do drop into Frugaldom anytime you get a spare miute to let us know how things are going.
