Thursday 1 September 2011


Hi guys, things are difficult again here. Coo's poorly, his seizure level is up and he's either sleepy or has major mood swings and sadly lot's of Carers will know exactly what I mean!

I've been looking forward to some respite for ages.
A few days away with my mum (as usual!) and it's come around this week of all weeks!
Usually before a respite trip, I'm excited all week long and busy sorting things out for the trip. Maybe buying a few wee bits too, you know how it is but this week's been very different.
Coo's seizures and moods and the way they've been, well, I'm kinda struggling.
On one hand, I feel, thank God, just stuff everything else, I need the break! but on the other hand I'm thinking, with all the turmoil in the house around Coo's moods, it's not been pleasant planning the trip this time around at all so will I get the happy carefree time away I usually do? I hope so!

I've given Coo the meds he uses when moods are just too stressful to cope with and I'm kinda hoping things settle a bit before I leave in the morning and if not? Well, I'm confident Looby will cope and we'll just have to deal with it when I get back!

I hope things are more settled where you are.
Maz x

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