Wednesday 11 May 2011

Carers day out...

Hi Guys, things are still a little difficult here at the minute.
Coo's still very sleepy and that only means yet more seizures.

We're ok, we're still hanging on in there!
I think it's the bloods and the AED (anti epilepsy drug) see-saw effect is with us yet again. I'm sure they levels are too high and the next tests are not due till next week - I guess time will tell!

Mean time, we've been living quiety at home, well...that's apart from the wee while out I managed to snatch on Monday! lol
My wee Carer group had arranged a walk and some lunch (we're trying to keep fit!). Anyway, the sun came out and it was a great couple of hours away!

Spending time with other Carers always raises a smile.
We all have such different caring roles but the thing is, we all understand and I guess that's where the bond is!

Back to the wee day out...
Bearing in mind, my wee green house and recent plant growing efforts, guess where we went?
...On a short coastal walk and some lunch in a garden centre cool or what! lol

The treacle scones were wonderful!
You know what? If I close my eyes...I can almost taste 'em all over again! lol

Lastly, a saw some of these...
Now, aren't they the most unusual tomatoes you ever saw - I thought they were anyway!
I brought a couple of wee plants home with me!
You didn't think I left them there on the self did you and at 99p they were a bargain! lol

Hope you're having some fun where you are too - keep smiling!
Maz x

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