Tuesday 12 April 2011

All the seasons in one day...

Hi guys! Well, we've had all the seasons in one day - from sun in the morning to rain in a down pour and then chilly wind blowing!

I've not managed to even start on my wee greenhouse yet but I'm sure things will improve soon. Meanwhile, my propogator is in full swing with lot's of wee plants nearly ready to put in their own pots now!

It's fun growing your own!
I think it kinda completes the circle a bit if you know what I mean.
Rather than just popping into the supermarket and picking up supplies, to actually grow things from seed, I think is pretty amazing!
Do you think I've caught the growing bug? LOL

Yet again, I forgot to mark exactly what seeds were where in the propagator so I'll have to just let them grow and see what pops up! Now, I know there's herbs, peas, beans, squash, peppers and a whole load of salad leaves all mixed in there somewhere and I guess it'll be fun working them all out...eventually! lol

Let's hope for some sunny days for greenhouse building!

I'll just amuse myself harping instead!

Maz x


  1. Oh boy. You are going to have a wonderful greenhouse full of goodies. I grilled some onions on our new gas grill the other day. They were great. Onions is all I had in the freeze to grill with my chicken. But when the farmers markets open I am getting green peppers, squase and whatever I can find.

  2. Hi Karen, I can't wait to get started on the greenhouse building - surely there'll be some nice days on the way soon!
    Maz x
