Saturday 26 February 2011

Dreaded Drug See-saw...

Hi Guys, it seems the see-saw effect with Coo's drugs is still a problem as this week they blood results show things are a bit low for a change!
Although we're hopeful things will still settle down a bit and i guess this weeks tests will tell.
Today, the sun tried to make an appearance too so things must be looking up! lol
Isn't it amazing how much a little touch of sunshine brightens your mood? There have been way too many grey days already this year so...
Roll on the spring!

I can't wait for the growing season to begin!
My potaotoes have been popped in an old egg box and are chitting nicely on the window sill as we speak! It worked ok last year so I am not deviating from the plan! lol
Now, I just need to sort through the remnants of last years seed collection and sort the peas I saved (they were brilliant!) and oh yes...pray hard for a some nice, sunny weather! lol

This picture made me think...
Where exactly have my wellies gone?
...and did I remember to clean them?
Ah well, I've a feeling the mud will be making a come back soon and if all else fails, I'm pretty sure the hose will sort 'em out! lol

Happy days, well, happy as pigs in muck! lol
Maz x


  1. Hi Karen, it's a ways off here! raining and cold today!
    I hope you're fairing better where you are!
    Maz x

  2. Hi Maz. I live in Florida and stumbled upon your post looking for something else. Your blog is very nice and I wish you and your hubby well with the meds and treatments. Good luck with your potatoes. Am sending warm Florida sunshine your way!

  3. Hi Maz. I live in Florida and stumbled upon your post looking for something else. Your blog is very nice and I wish you and your hubby well with the meds and treatments. Good luck with your potatoes. Am sending warm Florida sunshine your way!

    It would be really nice if you added a "sign up by e-mail" button. For now I'll bookmark your site and visit again now and then

  4. Hi Maz. I live in Florida and stumbled upon your post looking for something else. Your blog is very nice and I wish you and your hubby well with the meds and treatments. Good luck with your potatoes. Am sending warm Florida sunshine your way!

  5. Hi thanks for the Florida sunshiney thoughts!
    Maz x

  6. Hi Jenny what a great idea!#I've put a follow by email in place and I'll see how things go!
    Maz x
