Friday 21 May 2010

Sunny weather...

Hi Guys!
The sunshine's back and thank goodness for that! LOL
I think things all seems so much easier and everyone's mood is always a bit brighter too when the sun comes out!

I can honestly say Coo seems to be on the up again, I was worried about him as he was very sleepy but over the last few days things seem to be settling so yet more to smile about...Woo Hoo!

My garden is coming along too and my wee greenie has an assortment of pots with things growing - still not sure what exactly but they're growing on anyway!

In other news...
Sadly, the council meeting didn't go as well as I'd hope - they voted against looking again, at their decision to close Community Centres. The local people are hopping mad and the fight goes on!
I've been in the local press making sure everyone knows what is happening and more importantly, they speak up about their concerns and I hope they do...loudly!

I'm glad I spoke out about their plans.
I had hoped they would listen but at least now everyone knows what the council are upto and it's not over yet!

I'm just pleased Coo's doing a bit better and the sun's come out! All this campaigning and Caring does kinda sap the energy a bit!

Let's hope the sunny weather stays for a bit.
Some sun on my face and some time pottering in the garden would be nice too.

Sunshine and smiles sent your way!
maz x

1 comment:

  1. Sunny weather makes us all feel better...except my good lady, at the moment. (A new post might happen soon...) Still, good to hear that Coo is on an upswing & bad to hear about your miserly council.
