Sunday 4 April 2010

Easter eggs...

Hi guys, I hope you got a nice egg for Easter and if's a nice piccy instead and they look good enough to eat! LOL
Well, in reply to my last post...Easter bunnies do not bring greenhouses, more's the pity! LOL
I guess it's back to the drawing board on that one!

I used to love Easter when we had little ones running around, all chocolate, pretty silver foil and mess! Where as now, while still a nice family's all dignified and Sunday lunchy! LOL
I remember the fun of years ago, out rolling eggs in the park, usually in wellies and raincoats as Easter weather here is a bit notorious!LOL

It is nice to get together for dinner but I do kinda miss, little Easter chocolatey hand prints and wee mucky wellie boots all over the place...funny enough, I don't remember being that keen on either of them at the time! LOL

Now, something I do remember - I had two wee lopp eared bunnies just like these!

Happy Easter or should that be...
You guessed it...Hoppy Easter!

I do hope you had a nice time!
Happy Days!
maz x


  1. Hi maz - We're having the mucky-childreny-chocolately-playingsillygames type of Easter season here. And it's great!

    I hope that you're surviving Coo's transition between meds without too much trouble.

    Because Marie hasn't been doing very well lately, I've hardly been online at all for the past few weeks and I've not been visiting my fav blogs. Thanks for your continued support!

  2. Hi Robert happy chocolatey,childreny Easter to you and yours!
    I'm real glad you're all having a good time!
    maz x
