Wednesday 21 April 2010

Carer's campaign too...

Hi Guys,I've been busy this last few weeks pulling together a public meeting!
Well, I've always volunteered, helping to run my local Community Centre so when our council decided they wanted to close the areas 40 centres and halls over the next three years, I was less than impressed!

In between looking after Coo, I've been involved in a 'Save our Centres' campaign over the last few months and thankfully most of it's been managed from home! It has been a lot of work but I think it's important local people speak out when they're not happy about proposed changes that will affect them.

In our Community Centre, we host every kind of group you can think of! They range from groups for Carers, Adults with disabilities, After School Care and Pre-five creche's through to senior citizen bowling & sewing clubs and classes on just about anything from Art and Tai-chi to crafts, cookery and Internet shopping and we host the only cafe in that part of town so you can see it's a busy place!

Well, tomorrow night I'm in the hot seat! I'm chairing a public meeting with our five local councillors and M.P. so it should be interesting - we will see! LOL

I really feel, sometimes, we need to stand up for ourselves and I hope all our community come out, find their voice and more importantly our Councillors listen!

Wish me luck,
maz x


  1. Hi Marie,

    Good luck with your meeting. I am sure they wont know what hit them. Look forward to hearing the feedback.

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