Tuesday 23 March 2010

Seeds do indeed grow!

Hi Guys! With the last few weeks being a bit difficult and some more time stuck at home, I've been...playing with seeds!LOL
Knowing how badly behaved our weather can be, I bought one of these:
What fun I've had! well, in between running back and forth helping Coo, I planted a load of seeds I had hanging around from last year!
All-in-all, I found 10 packets! A right assortment of vegetables and herb seeds they were too!

It was so great! as the rain battered down outside, I spread a newspaper out and had some fun playing about with seeds and compost and you know what? It's very therapeutic!

The best news of all is...they've already started to sprout! Woo Hoo
Only trouble is what exactly is sprouting?
Well, I did put them in wee rows but...gardener of the year?..err...no!
I didn't keep a note of what was planted where! silly me! LOL

No doubt time will tell! LOL
I could get used to this seedling lark as even on rainy days, planting sure is fun!

maz x


  1. Coolness! I remember the kids getting excited at this... will have to give it another go someday :)

  2. Hi, my kids loved seed planting when they were little too!LOL
    I'm so glad I decided to give it a go - it really is fun!

    maz x
