Wednesday 3 February 2010

That Carer Roller-coaster...

Hi Guys, that Carer Roller-coaster strikes again!
After all the happy thoughts surrounding Looby's wedding plans we've hit the earth with a bump...
Coo is very poorly again.
His seizures are lasting twice as long and they're coming thick and fast. Last night there was another run of seizures at 20 minute intervals so we're both a bit shattered today...well you can imagine!

So what do we do on days like these?
Well, Coo's slept and seized on and off all day so we've been at home.

Thank God for the Internet and when he's awake and lucid...old movies!
We cuddled up and settled on the sofa to watched a classic old black and white movie and just went with the flow!

He's a little brighter now so hopefully things will be a bit better tonight either way we'll cope!

I hope things are a little more settled where you are.

maz x


  1. My thoughts are with you both. I hope Coo improves quickly.

  2. Thanks Robert - to be truthful Coo's dad's been in hospital for the last few days and he's been stressed so this is probably the reason for the seizure increase.

    Thanks for thinking of us.
    maz x

  3. Finally finished reading from the beginning to here... Whee - what a ride! I feel like I have a kindred spirit, apart from the age difference (my kids are 6 and 10)!

  4. Oh, forgot to say I hope Coo is feeling better by now!

  5. Hi it has been a bit of a roller coaster hasn't it! LOL

    coo's still poorly but we're hanging on in there!
    maz x
