Tuesday 13 October 2009

Carer's and isolation..

Hi guys, this latest enforced time at home has made me think about things.

It really is so very isolating at times for Carers and I'm lucky, I can get outside the four walls!
At the minute, with all the AED (Anti Epilepsy Drugs) hassles, we're having to do anything that needs done, between 12 and 3-ish as after that Coo really needs to sleep so we both need to be at home!

When I do have to spend a lot of time at home, usually 'cause Coo is poorly in bed or like now, when he's so tired from all the seizures it's so very difficult to keep him awake, I use a Carer Chatroom.
This gives me some much needed outside contact!

I know...I know what everyone say's about chatrooms!
This one is different!
It's at Carers.org, and it's regulated.

Best of all it has a friendly bunch of Carers in there chatting most evenings, offering advice and friendship.

If you are stuck at home a lot and need somebody on the outside to speak to, you could do a lot worse than give the online Carers sites a bash!
I have found them really friendly.

Happy chatting - maybe I'll see you there! LOL

maz x


  1. Thanks for the info. I don't like to chat. I can never think of anything to say. This blogging things keeps me sane. I have not been out of the house since . I don't remember. I might get out tomorrow. Hopefully. thanks for keeping me sane.

  2. Thanks karen and I know how you feel!
    I feel that way too! blogging really does have a good effect and helps keep your sanity!

    maz x

  3. I'm like karen - useless in chatrooms & blogging for therapeutic reasons!

  4. hi it seams to me that us carers are a shy bunch

  5. have just become a carer for my mum since she had a stroke two months ago. any advice appreciated

  6. Hi Susan, welcome aboard!
    It's a happy ship here!
    If you want to ask anything just fire away!
    Carings quite scary when you're just starting out so here's a {{{fluffy hug}}} just for you!

    maz x
