Friday 11 September 2009

This Carer's Respite choice...

Hi Guys, it's the time of year I get to disappear for a few days to shop till I drop, eat cake and sleeeeeeep for a week, well, nearly a week....yippeeeeeee! LOL

Using our Direct Payment, on Monday, Looby will come stay with Coo and...mum and I are off to Blackpool for a few days and I can't wait!
It usually takes me a few days to get used to sleeping through the night again and the last few days are bliss!
Maybe having the respite sleep nights regularly this last year, will make a difference and like this wee cat, I'll be able to...
...just automatically sleep right through - I do hope so!

We're going to the Royal Sea Bank Hotel which is central, it's on the prom and it has comfy beds - result! lol

Only 3 more sleeps as my kids used to say!
You think I'm just a tad excited???
Well, you'd be right! LOL

See you when I get back,

maz x


Anonymous said...

hi maz :)

sleeping through the night is such a luxury isn't it, have a good time away, you sure deserve it.

karen said...

I just found your blog. Love it. I get to sleep all night once a week. Sometimes I am more pooped the next day but I sure sleep . My sister comes over one night a week to care for mom. And that is her only night off work so she is giving it up for me. Thanks sis. Anyway I hope you had a great week.

Maz said...

Hi guys, I did sleep! and you are so right, it is a luxury isn't it!
A warm welcome to the blog Karen.

maz x