Sunday 6 September 2009

The family arrive!

Hi Guys,
My sisters arrived for a flying visit this week!
My mum has been poorly recently - she's on the mend now and thank goodness as she's one of the main cogs in my support system and sorely needed at times!
Anyways, my two sisters and my neice flew up from Stansted - on a plane not bloomsticks! LOL
They arrived on Wednesday night and stayed till Saturday and it was great!
Coo was well, so we were able to go visiting and out to dinner too!

It's the first time we've all been together in years and felt really special.
I'm so glad they came as it's given both Coo and I a bit of a lift.

The weather here was it's usual - raining! LOL

When my sister phoned home, her husband told her his steaks were on the barbie...

We needed umbrella's and wellies at the time so there's no change there! lol

Never mind the weather, the three of them brought some warmth, sunny smiles and sparkle with them!

Now isn't that a cheery thought!

I hope there's some sunshine where you are.
maz x

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