Tuesday 31 March 2009

To sleep or not to sleep...

Hi guys,

The dregs of Coos latest trial with new pills are still kicking about his system, well I think they are anyway!
He still has difficulty sleeping so he seizes practically non-stop from around midnight till 3-ish and pings awake at 4 in the morning!

That's bad enough but he's then shattered by lunch time and in need of more sleep - so the cycle continues.

Honestly I don't know about him but I'm starting to feel like Zebedee - remember him?
Bouncing up-n-down all the time.

Come to think of it, it's probably a pretty fair assessment.
I guess we do, pretty much have, a 'zebedee' lifestyle! lol
I'm just glad there's usually as many ups as there are downs!

Anyways, enough of that...

Bargain City!

My cheap as chips Travelodge visits are still on a roll! LOL

In January we visited Glasgow for a few days to celebrate Coo's birthday and it was great.
We did the museums and a little shopping ;-) and chilled out for a bit!

Well this time, I've mananged to get another cheapy deal for a few days away in June to...Blackpool yeh!!
It's central as it's based in Talbot Road, just around the corner from the tower and at ₤19.00 a night for a room, well, you can't beat it! LOL

Mmmm, wonder where we'll end up next!

maz x

1 comment:

  1. You're really increasing your mileage, aren't you?

    I'm off to Windemere on Saturday to stay in a 5* lakeside hotel for a few days. Sounds great, doesn't it? Pity it's a business seminar...
