Monday 16 March 2009

Poem: Carers and Flowers...

Hi guys, another of my poems with all the hassles over the last few week I've been in a bit of a pensive mood...

‘Caring Flowers’

The strong flower in some,
strives to reach for the sun,
to push for the best of funding and rest.
While timid souls stop in shock and ask why?
all their precious petals just curl up and die.

Carers nurture another, a wife or a brother,
some friend, maybe neighbour or kin.
They struggle and care,
On a wing and a prayer,
no support, for the Carer within.

So hard to understand,
the deal of this hand.
So easy to find,
your in such demand.
An accident or illness is all that it takes
And just like most Carers, your life hits the breaks.

To let Carers flower,
We need to empower.
To help them continue their role,
In safety and comfort,
with less of a struggle,
that should be our far reaching goal.

Don’t sit on the side,
And this issue hide.
We all need some kindness
And support, it’s so true.
Look closely at Carers,
It so could be you.

We Carers need to remember to keep carefully tending the flowers in our own soul too!

Take care of you!
maz x

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