Saturday 15 March 2008

Anyone for Daffodils? ...

Well, the Daffodil Tea went of well!

Around 30 children painted eggs and a selection of bits and bobs decorated some Easter bonnets too!

The Tea and Scones went down a treat and the local groups made some much needed funds to keep them going.

I did enjoy the day although I didn't see too much of it.

I was in the small studio offering Reiki & Massage therapies.

It really was a stress free, fun day!

Healing thoughts sent your way.

maz x


  1. Maz - saw that you had stopped by to say hello and that really brightened my day! Thank you so much for this bit of "healing"! The Daffodil Party sounded lovely - what a great idea. So you do Reiki as well as all your other things?! Sounds good to me AND please post when your debut as carer at large is going to be shown. Do you know what on, and when? Would love to see it...PS Can I have your autograph...?!!! Hope Coo's new drug is The One - without the side effects that you fear. Isn't it great that (despite the snow!) spring is really on its way?! Much love TillyX

  2. Cheers Tilly,

    Hope things are good with you!

    maz x
