Tuesday 22 January 2008

Ouch not again...

My shoulder is painful again so I've been back to the Doctor!

He says it's not improving so I've to see a Physio next!
I can't say I'm looking forward to it but I'll give it a go!!

Coo's still struggling with some kind of infection but thankfully he seems to be over the worst of things but our weather isn't it's been dreadful!
Torrential rain and whirlwinds off the coast mean our old rickety garage....is sadly now no more!!

The roof blew off and around the garden, like Dorothy's house in the 'Wizard of Oz!'
The rest of it...well it couldn't do the decent thing and fall down could it?
No, no..it was stubborn and needed some help!

Just imagine it!

One elderly father...two teens who would have rather been anywhere else on the planet and one Coo flapping big style, trying to help!
I stayed inside and made the tea as all that testosterone and bad weather seemed a bit of a nasty omen!

After some debate, puffing and panting and chasing the dog around the garden!

Eventually blood sweat and struggles won...it decided to co-operate and give up the ghost!

Only trouble is - where the heck am I gonna put all the junk I'd kept 'safe' in there for the last decade!!

I think I'll worry about that another day.
Watching all that activity has left me exhausted!!!

maz x

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