Tuesday 1 January 2008

Happy New Year & a warm welcome to 2008...

Hi all and a 'Happy New Year'!

Coo and I have had a good time over the last few days visitng family and having a laugh, it's been great!

I hope it's going to be a hale & hearty year for us all this time around and I can't say I'm sorry to see 2007 gone!

So in our own scots way....'Slainte Mhath'!!
You may well ask what the heck's that?

Well, it's an old toast to Good Health and around here it's pronounced...
'slanj-e- vah', isn't our language a bit quirky!

Lastly from not so sunny Scotland, I hope the new year's kind to you wherever you are!

Happy New Year 2008!

maz x


  1. Happy New Year Maz! Here's to a fabulous 2008 for you and Coo and all your family. Year of the Rat so I'm quietly confident! Our two ratties were adorable (if a little incontinent)! Tillyx

  2. Oh Happy times to you too, I hope we all have a better year this time around!

    maz x
