Saturday 27 October 2007


I've been away for a few days respite to...Blackpool and it was FUN!

The famous lights are still sparkling and the weather behaved for a change.

My mum went with me, we drank hot chocolate ate warm doughnuts and shopped till we dropped!!

Using our Direct Payment meant our daughter Looby moved in to look after Coo while I was away. They both coped pretty well so all in all it was a stress free break for me.

I feel really good for having a few nights sleep all together for a change and my breakfast made for me!

We visited the Tower, went right up to the top!
Saw fish in the aquarium, caught the circus show, ate cornetto's and had some tea in the famous ballroom and all for 15 quid entry!!

Visiting the Blackpool lights sure was brilliant fun!

maz x


  1. I could do with a break myself (but no hope), so lucky you!

  2. Cheers Robert, it was fun although it's back to reality with a bump - Coo's picked up another chest infection - Joy!!

    maz x
