Sunday 29 July 2007

The Trossachs, Callander & the Eagle....

Our day trip to the Trossachs and Callander with the club went really well.

The scenery reminded me what a beautiful country we live in, green rollings hills, misty blue & green lochs and every tint of heather from palest blue, through pink to vivid purple, it was so rich you could almost taste it!

Coo did well too!
I knew he'd be ok on the journey up as he was pretty excited about the day but I'd worried about keeping him awake on the the way home, but it was fine!
He took lots of pictures with his digital camera and this kept him amused and more importantly awake and seizure free!

The highlights of the day?
There were a selection of birds of prey at Aberfoyle, beautiful kestrels, owls and hawks.
Coo had his picture taken with the biggest Golden Eagle we've ever saw and he was thrilled to bits!
We also saw a shepherd putting his dogs through their paces herding goats and boy do they work hard!

I must admit it's taken Coo most of the weekend to recover from the trip as he's been really sleepy but it was worth it.
It's a long time since we were out like that!
We really had a brilliant day!
maz x

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