Monday 2 July 2007


Well, thankfully things have started to settle down and are getting back to normal, well normal for us anyway!
I'm glad Coo only drinks occasionally as I'd probably read the riot act if it was more often.
So last week the stress was surrounding the wedding and this week?
Well, we've got a Neurology appointment on Friday so this week won't be hassle free either!

I've tried to divert Coos attention form the Neuro appointment by booking us on a 'Heart Start' course this week.
It's a free course running locally teaching resucitation so I thought it'd be a good idea to learn!
I'm not sure how successful it'll be at keepin his mind off the Neuro on Friday but at least it'll give him something else to focus on, well that's the plan anyway.

Sometimes, it seems like we just lurch from one crisis to another but I guess that's just life!

maz x

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